Deep generative models for distribution-preserving lossy compression

BibTeX Reference

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    author = {Tschannen, Michael and Agustsson, Eirikur and Lucic, Mario},
    title = {Deep generative models for distribution-preserving lossy compression},
    booktitle = {Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
    status = {to appear},
    year = 2018,
    keywords = {Generative adversarial network, lossy compression, Wasserstein distance},
    url = {}

LaTeX Reference

\bibitem{gencomp2018} M. Tschannen, E. Agustsson, and M. Lucic, ``Deep generative models for distribution-preserving lossy compression,'' \emph{Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)}, 2018, to appear.

HTML Reference

M. Tschannen, E. Agustsson, and M. Lucic, "Deep generative models for distribution-preserving lossy compression," Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2018, to appear.