Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Selective-Fading Channels
Pedro CoronelReference
Series in Communication Theory, Hartung-Gorre Verlag Konstanz, ISBN 3-86628-251-6, 2009.[BibTeX, LaTeX, and HTML Reference]
The balance that a communication system is able to strike between rate and reliability provides a comprehensive view of its performance. In fading channels, the diversity-multiplexing (DM) tradeoff framework has proved to be very helpful in understanding the interplay between rate and reliability in the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. A direct characterization of the DM tradeoff in practical time- and frequency-selective channels is in general difficult because the corresponding mutual information is a sum of correlated random variables. This thesis presents a technique that bypasses this difficulty and establishes the optimal DM tradeoff for point-to-point and multiple-access channels. We obtain code design criteria that guarantee optimal performance and give examples of optimal code constructions. Our findings also reveal a connection between the DM tradeoff framework and the notion of dominant error event which provides an accurate characterization of the error mechanisms in selective-fading channels.Comments
Reprint of diss. ETH No. 17896
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